



2002年,该伙伴关系与人事管理厅合作启动 服事的呼召, the only nationwide network of colleges 和 universities dedicated exclusively to promoting federal service. 近20年来, “服务呼吁”一直致力于帮助政府识别和招募年轻人才, 将代理机构与高等教育机构联系起来, 让年轻的学习者和刚毕业的学生更好地了解电子竞技押注平台的工作. 自成立以来, 服事的呼召 has worked with more than 700 colleges 和 universities to recruit the next generation of public servants. 阅读更多 to learn how this nationwide network enabled one student take the next step toward a career in government.

2020年春天, Lyndsey加拉格尔 was a first-semester senior earning a bachelor’s 和 master’s in George Washington University’s dual-degree public health program. 随着COVID-19大流行的开始, 然而, Gallagher worried that the internships she had counted on to help launch her post-graduate career would disappear.

就在那时,她申请了合作伙伴组织的“服务创新的呼唤”实习项目, 在Patricia A .的慷慨支持下于2019年成立. 和乔治·W·布什. Wellde小., an alumnus of GW who serves as a member of the Partnership’s board of directors 和 a member of GW’s board of trustees. 通过GW的“知识在行动”职业实习基金, which provides financial support for students doing unpaid internships in government 和 nonprofit organizations, the program places GW undergraduates as summer interns in federal agencies 和 helps government recruit 和 retain sorely needed young talent.

在5月, 加拉格尔获得了医疗保险和医疗补助创新中心的暑期实习机会, 一个开发和测试国家医疗保健支付和服务提供模式的办公室.

该中心为加拉格尔提供了一段出色的实习经历, 提供真实世界的体验, 这是一个发展技能和更好地了解政府运作方式的机会. 今天, she is thriving in graduate school 和 considering applying the skills 和 perspectives she gained as an intern to a career in the federal workforce.

Lyndsey加拉格尔, 2020年服事的呼召 Innovation实习项目参与者
Lyndsey加拉格尔, 2020年服事的呼召 Innovation实习项目参与者


作为实习生, Gallagher took on significant responsibilities that helped advance the innovation center mission 和 research portfolio.

在她工作的头几天里, Gallagher’s supervisor gave her an overview of the CMS’ databases 和 encouraged her to build research projects around topics of interest.

当她分析数据时, Gallagher开始比较不同医院如何向CMS收取医疗服务费用. She noticed that states that have not exp和ed their Medicaid coverage—like Texas 和 Florida—had charged the agency the most, while states that provide hospitals with set funding each year to encourage efficient spending—like Maryl和—had the lowest charges.

结果表明,CMS的豁免计划在马里兰州, initiated in 2014 to encourage hospitals to find effective low-cost health solutions 和 offer a model for future nationwide health care reform, 工作.

“My supervisor was always coming to me for what I thought about something 和 including me in higher up conversations,”她说。. “他真的很擅长提升我的声音.” 


Gallagher also helped edit 和 evaluate project proposals that came to her group at the innovation center, 这份工作需要她学习如何使用Excel和统计分析软件.  

She said these skills have come in h和y as she pursues her master’s degree in public health 和 works on advocacy projects aimed at improving long-term care health care as a states 和 community engagement intern at the AARP. 

“这又回到了我在CMS学到的东西,”她说. “艰苦的技能很好地转化为我现在所做的事情.” 


等她拿到硕士学位之后, Gallagher wants to build on her 服事的呼召 experience 和 work in government to develop 和 promote policy solutions that address health disparities in America. She highlighted agencies like CMS or the Department of Health 和 Human Services as possible fits—和 has considered working in Congress as a staffer or policy analyst. 

“你真的有能力影响和改变政府, 并影响人们的生活。.

不幸的是, 如今,应届毕业生经常在电子竞技押注平台之外寻找工作机会.

电子竞技押注平台实习机会的减少以及对政府工作的误解——最近的一份报告突显了这一点 Axios哈里斯民意调查——这使得年轻人寻求电子竞技押注平台工作的可能性远远低于寻求私营部门工作的可能性. The number of interns 和 recent graduates working in government per year has dropped by 80% since 2010 和, 今天, 只有4%的新雇员来自雇佣学生和新学位持有者的联邦项目.  

因此,年轻雇员在联邦劳动力中的比例仍然严重不足. 事实上,目前大约有7%的全职联邦雇员是这样 30岁以下的而超过20%的私营部门员工属于这一类别. 大约三分之一的联邦工作人员有资格在未来五年内退休, 公众, 私人, 非营利组织和学术部门必须共同努力,帮助政府吸引人才, 招募并留住公司所需的重要年轻人才.

伙伴关系正在为这一努力作出重要贡献. 像号召服务创新实习项目这样的项目 哈罗德·W. 罗森塔尔国际关系奖学金网络安全人才计划, 例如, 帮助联邦雇主识别, recruit 和 retain young talent often shut out of a system that has typically prioritized more experienced professionals 和 can be confusing to navigate.

Breaking down these barriers is critical to government recruiting the next generation of public servants to tackle the challenges of 今天 和 tomorrow.  

 “I think what the Partnership is doing is so important because there is a barrier to be able to get an internship in government,加拉格尔说. “直接进入大学校园,提供这样的入口非常好.”

继续阅读有关的信息 如何申请 为创新实习项目服务.

“I think what the Partnership is doing is so important because there is a barrier to be able to get an internship in government. 直接进入大学校园并提供入口通道是很棒的.”

